Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween with the Keys

Does anyone else but me remember when Halloween was just ONE day? You went trick or treating and it was over. That was that. Halloween with small children is now a week long event. We had a fun week, but it has been so busy. We haven't had a single night to just relax. Below are the highlights...

Sunday was the Fall Festival at our church. Zeph went as a pirate--a nice pirate, not a mean pirate he likes to say. Well thank goodness for that. I think he looks more like Christopher Columbus, but he was happy. Zack went as Nemo. Is that not the cutest Nemo you have ever seen?!?! Adorable! Look at that little tail!

Then Monday night the boys went to Bailey Grace's birthday party. It was appropriately a carnival and all the kids dressed up. There were balloon animals, games, face painting, the works. What a fun party! Happy Birthday Bailey Grace!

Birthday Girl Bailey Grace as Dorothy. You can't see her ruby red slippers!

Zack and his balloon sword with Ms. Kelsey.

I just put this picture in here because I know Holly will hate it! She will pay me back I am sure! :) Love you Holly!

Zeph with his painted face.

Then Friday was the Fall Festival at Zeph's school. They played games, got to jump in the Big Green Bus, went on a hayride and got MORE candy. Followed by Trick or Treating Friday night and MORE candy. All in all it was such a fun week!

Zeph throwing the football into the Auburn hole. I am thinking about disowning him.

Zeph playing pin the nose on the pumpkin.
While we were out trick or treating the boys finally just sat down on the curb. I think we were all pooped!


Jackie said...

Aww, cute little trick-or-treaters! I was just thinking about you today. Good to see another post.

Unknown said...

Yeah thanks for that picture. You know I don't care. What a great week.
