Sunday, November 30, 2008


I am very thankful that we live close enough that we get to visit with both sides of our family at Thanksgiving. We spend Thanksgiving day with Brian's family in Troy and then we spend the day after with my family in Montgomery. For as long as I can remember, my family has celebrated Thanksgiving the day AFTER. This may sound crazy but it works so well for us. I know a lot of people who are forced to choose between families or switch back and forth from year to year. Brian and I are so blessed that we don't have to deal with all that.

Quick funny story: We have a tradition with Brian's family that we always go to Mossy Grove to eat dinner on the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving. They give you corn bread and white beans as an "appetizer". Zeph is such a picky eater and would not touch the white beans. We were trying to convinve him to try one and he just wouldn't have any of it. So I said I'll give you five dollars if you'll eat one bean. He immediately stuck a bean in his mouth and grabbed his milk and downed it. Then he looked up at us and said "the milk chased the bean." The entire table died laughing and I PAID UP! I won't make that bet again!

Below are some pictures from our Thanksgiving this year.

Brian and Uncle Kenny carving the turkey.

How adorable is Zack? I could just eat him up. The other is Presley, Zeph and Zack playing the piano at Aunt Debra's house.

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