Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay

Ok, so this may fall in the category of being a bad mom, but oh well. EVERY TIME it rains my boys beg me to let them go play in the rain. I have always said no or come up with some excuse. Well today tropical storm Fay has been coming through the state and it has rained all day. After Zeph begging for about the one hundreth time to go play in the rain I finally relented. It was so cute. But I couldn't get them to come inside and had to make Brian go out and get them! My soaking wet boys--all three of them!


Jackie said...

Yeah, the Key's have a blog!!! Welcome to the blogosphere. I am so excited to get to see little glimpses of your daily life.
Love you,

Stacy said...

Um, if the boys playing in the rain makes you a bad Mom, then I must be TERRIBLE!! I think it's great :)

Love the blog! Keep up the great work!

Ronda said...

Glad you're doing a blog! I will enjoy keeping up with y'all. Your boys are precious, I know they are SO FUN.